Sustainable Forestry Initiative

What's New

The Sustainable Forestry Initiative® program has been working to make a positive difference in Georgia forests since 1995. SFI® Implementation committees across the U.S. and Canada work behind the scenes in support of responsible forestry, wood procurement and harvesting. Here in Georgia, our SFI-certified companies and supporting organizations:

  • Implement national and state sustainable forestry training standards for thousands of loggers and foresters;
  • Provide forestry information and support to family forest owners;
  • Apply the SFI sustainable forestry principles on millions of acres of SFI Program participant lands in Georgia;
  • Implement responsible wood procurement practices that conform to the SFI Standard, which extends the influence of the SFI program to millions of Georgia forest lands not yet certified.

The Georgia SFI® Implementation Committee vigorously supports compliance with Georgia’s Forestry Best Management Practices and sustainable forestry principles. Please contact Georgia’s committee coordinator, David James, at 706-542-7691 or for SFI questions or to report forestry practices which may be inconsistent with the principles of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Program.